When first introduced, some folks single folded it and others double folded. Over the past 10 years it’s undergone few changes. For awhile we included plastic pieces inside but customers preferred it without the plastic so they could double fold it. This makes it only the footprint of a credit card.
So we're bringing it back... these are just like the first wallets we introduced and the gray/gray has a sleek new debossed logo. Now the only question is what to call them... Original Classic?
The thickness difference is negligible (like just a few sheets of paper) and if you don’t double-fold, the two side by side stacks will ultimately give you the thinnest wallet possible. But double folding will provide the smallest foot print.
Tyvek® really is an amazing material due to it’s strength to weight ratio. It's extremely strong, durable and almost impossible to tear, which is why you need to get scissors to open a FedEx mailing envelope!